Our Journey to Becoming a B Corp™

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    It is with great pride and joy that I announce:

    Several weeks ago, we received confirmation that we have met all of the requirements necessary to become a Certified B Corporation™.  B Corps are for-profit companies that use the power of business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

    Becoming a B Corp means we have demonstrated that we meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. This infographic shares just a few of the ways we do that.

    We decided to embark on this process about a year ago. Before we started, we thought we were a pretty good company. And I mean “good” in the virtuous sense, not just better-than-average. We were pretty good, but the process of earning B Corp Certification has helped us become so much better. This process entailed working through the questions in the B Impact Assessment, a performance measurement tool that helps you evaluate and improve your impact, policies and practices. Everyone at Two Octobers was involved. We divvied up the Assessment into four topic areas, and formed teams to tackle each. We invested a lot of time, but we all learned and grew as a result.

    How, exactly? I’ll let all of them tell you how we got it done and how it has impacted our organization. (I interviewed people over Zoom, so the video quality is not on par with the quality of their words.)

    Two Octobers’ co-founder Kris Skavish and I also talk a bit about the process here:

    Thank you to everyone that was a part of getting us here. Together we go farther.

    Nico Brooks is a co-founder of Two Octobers, and our designated B Keeper. As B Keeper, he is the internal resource for all things B Corp, and will be making sure all of the happy B’s are on track to re-certify in a few years. Coincidentally, his sister is also a bee keeper, but the bees she keeps have stingers. Nico would love to chat with you about the B Corp movement if you are interested. Unless you have a stinger.

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