Wherever you’re marketing, you’re often directing consumers to your website to continue the conversation. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to see the results of those marketing efforts measured in website traffic? Google Analytics offers a way to label and differentiate traffic from any source—as long as you tag the link.
By default, Google Analytics track how visitors came to your site via three channels, called “Mediums”: direct, referrals, and search (organic or paid). It also tracks which site the user came from, called “Source”, for referrals (i.e. Facebook.com or YourPartner.com) and search (Google, Bing, Ask, etc.).
That said, any link to your website that you control can include some additional tags to tell Google Analytics how to classify the traffic in more detail.
Here are some great places to use tagged links.
Google offers a handy tool for creating the variables that go at the end of your website URL to make this all work. The tool looks like this:
what | description | email newsletter example | twitter example | print ad example |
Campaign Source | Equivalent to the website name for referral traffic. What is the name of the website, network, publisher where the click originated? | eNewsletter | twitter.com | association-Newsletter |
Campaign Medium | Equivalent to referral or organic. Which communication medium was used? | social | printNewsletter | |
Campaign Term | Used only for the keyword in search advertising. | |||
Campaign Content | The ad’s creative, useful if you’re testing two different versions or have two audience segments | widgetArticle | visitOurBooth | 20off |
Campaign Name | The umbrella name for your marketing campaign. For example if your new widget product launch includes display ads and email newsletter, you can view the overall impact. | May | x-trade-show | springSale |
After you’ve tagged a URL and started getting traffic to it, view basic metrics like pageviews and pages/visit in Traffic Sources>Sources>All. The default view shows sources and mediums, including any custom source and medium values you tagged.
Voila! You can now track the number of visits generated by various marketing sources, plus how engaged they were and how many conversions they produced. Was that advertising investment worth it? Now you know.
Kris is a marketing and technology leader and Co-CEO of Two Octobers. Learn more about Kris or read more blogs she has written.
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