Bot Traffic in GA4
Dealing with bot traffic in GA4 can require some advanced techniques (and persistence!). Learn the process from analytics expert Nico Brooks.
Marketing analytics is the backbone of digital marketing: uncover and organize data to find out more about audiences, evaluate the efficacy of efforts, identify opportunities for improvement, and inform an overall strategy. Explore our resources and tools to become a better data-driven marketer.
Dealing with bot traffic in GA4 can require some advanced techniques (and persistence!). Learn the process from analytics expert Nico Brooks.
Our Head of Analytics Nico Brooks shares the latest and greatest updates and innovations in marketing analytics and GA4.
You’ve identified bot traffic in your GA4 property. Now, take the steps to filter that traffic from hitting your GA4 in the future.
The first step in removing bot traffic from GA4 is identifying its characteristics. Use these reports & dimensions for diagnosis & taking action.
Bot traffic in GA4 is really frustrating. Our Head of Analytics Nico Brooks takes us through the arduous effort of identifying & excluding bot traffic.
Custom Insights in GA4 is great for monitoring & alerting on important metrics for changes. Learn how to use it, including examples of what to track.
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