Community Matters: What 2020 Has Taught Me

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    In the last month of 2020, I am grateful for all the ways that our personal and professional communities have supported us through the challenges of the year. For example, the women entrepreneurs I was used to seeing physically have easily shifted to connecting virtually, and new relationships opened up, especially through the B Corp community. I’ve noticed in particular that proximity is no longer a primary driver of relationships, and have enjoyed starting relationships with women across the country. 

    BSuite Podcast — Women Sharing with Women

    So, when Anne Richardson, founder of Richardson Media Group on the BSuite Podcast invited me to be a guest on her podcast and share how we’ve pivoted and become more resilient as a company in 2020, I jumped at the chance. Anne has a similar company value/mindset as I do — purpose-driven. Business has a social responsibility to use its power, impact, expertise and skills to advance some of the most prevailing issues of our time. Whether it be education, poverty, diversity/inclusion, climate change — you name it. Being purpose-driven and a B Corporation only serve to motivate us further to work together to find creative ways forward.

    We talked about how we’ve become stronger and more connected, despite working from home; how the journey of becoming a B Corp unfolded, and more. Have a listen, and feel free to share any questions with me in the comments. If you’re looking to become a B Corp, feel free to read more about our journey here, and reach out if you have questions along the way. I’d love to expand my professional community to include you. 

    How Agencies Can Work Together — Leveraging Automation

    Meanwhile, my colleague Noah Learner has been connecting with other agencies about how automation can solve data integration and analysis problems we all come up across as we try to drive better insights and results for clients. Noah, Two Octobers’ Product Director, talks about these topics in several recent interviews, including:

    Part of being in a community is sharing. We share what we know and what we build.  Take a look at some of our free in-house built tools, such as the ever popular Postamatic tool for Google My Business, or join one of our upcoming free workshops

    See you online. Here’s to a happy, healthy start to 2021, wherever you may be today.

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